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Biomedivir for the prophylaxis and treatment of Covid-19

Biomed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. was a pioneer in developing new anti-malarial and antiviral drugs dated back in 1990s. During that time, there were more 100 million cases of malaria and 1 million people mostly children died in Africa and Asia.

The company developed a new drug called Artemether, which has been demonstrated as an effective drug to treat Plasmodium falciparum malaria, that are resistant to chloroquine, which was the standard treatment for malaria at the time.

Artemether has been approved as the last defense drug against chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria in more than 80 countries, include the FDA in the USA. Artemether/Lumefantrine is presently distributed worldwide by Novartis International AG.

With more than 25 year experience in drug development, Biomed has focused its resources to developing new drugs for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

According to World Health Organization, 14% of patients with severe COVID-19 require hospitalization and supplemental oxygen, and 5% will require treatment in intensive care units. More than 80% of the patients in early onset of Covid-19 can be treated at home or in alternative care settings.

Biomed focuses on the developing new drugs for Covid-19 that can be used to treat mild and moderate cases for patients at home and alternative care settings.

There is a small window of opportunity that treatment can be effective in the first 2-7 days after the patient has been infected with Covid-19 virus. There is no effective medication available to people who has developed early symptoms of the disease such as coughing, fever and hard to breathe. Most patients who are admitted to a hospital have severe cases and have passed this window of opportunity. By that time, the coronavirus infection has spread throughout the body, and it is difficulty to treat sever cases of Covid-19. This explains high mortality rates of this deadly virus infection.

Biomed’s strategy is to provide prevention and drug treatment in oral formulation to anyone who is at risks (such as healthcare providers, first responders) or patients in early onset of Covid-19 so they can take the medication themselves with the physician prescription.


Biomed has developed Biomedivir™, which is comprised of two FDA approved drugs: an antimalarial drug and an antiviral drug in an oral dosage form for the prophylaxis and treatment of Covid-19.

Biomed plans to conduct Phase 3 trials of Biomedivir™ for the prophylaxis and treatment of Covid-19 at various sites in the US and overseas.

In addition, Biomed has developed a new intranasal nanoparticles formulation of Biomedivir, called Nanomedivir for the treatment of moderate cases of Covid-19. Nanomedivir is in Phase2/3 clinical trials.

Please note: Biomedivir and Nanomedivir are in clinical Phase 3 evaluation, and are not available to patients in the USA, until we got FDA approval. Patients should consult with physicians about the drugs.

For further information, please contact us by completing Contact an Online Contact Form. Thank you.